
How do i get rid of snakes in my garden and in my house?

by Guest65011  |  earlier

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there are some small snakes, baby ones i guess, around my yard and one even entered the house. how can i keep them away from the yard. read somewhere that moth balls will help, if so how do i use them, do i just throw the moth balls around the yard and house?? is it harmful to my dog?




  1. Yes moth balls are harmful to dogs (or any animal) if they eat them. Snakes are good unless they are poisonous. Tell me what the snakes look like, then I'll write more. I can't find it. Does this look like it , if not check out this site Go to the left and look at the snakes. You should be able to find it, then look up if its poisonous or not, then if you want how to get rid of them. Oh you live in India here see if those look like the snakes you have.

  2. I honestly have no answer but I just had to say I'd be horrified if I were you!! Be careful if you small children :(

  3. I've heard moth balls too

  4. just keep ur yard clean, distroy weeds and unwanted plants if u got any.The best thing is to distroy every possible places snakes can hide just like i said,unwanted bushes,plants,weeds.

    Ofcourse venamous snakes are harmfull to dogs but dogs aren't stupid, they r smarter than humans when it comes to dealing with snakes, dogs know how to kill them and how to protect themselfs infact they even point u where the snake is so that u can kill it or get rid of it.I hope u dont have a dog like chivava.........if so make sure snake dont swallow ur

  5. I've heard that ........I can't remember, maybe mums or marigolds are plants that some snakes don't like....but I can't remember which...or even if one of them is the one.

  6. i've heard of using moth balls i think you use them as they come...not sure if they are harmful to dogs though.  you might call and ask the vet what would happen if the dogs got a hold of one.

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