
How do i get rid of spots? What is the best treatment?

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I`m amongst the pretty girls at my school but all of a sudden i have got a lot of spots i also think this is putting boys of liking me because i look so unattractive so can sum1 please help and offer the best treatment for facial spots




  1. Like most teens, I too suffer from spots :( I went to see my doctor and got antibiotics (tetracycline) prescribed. It takes about a month to start noticing the benefits but it's definitely worth giving it a shot. Along with this you can also use a topical cream/gel on the affected areas before bed each night. These can be prescribed or bought over the counter at a pharmacy.

    I would also say drink water throughout the day - apparently it helps, and eat a good diet with lots of fruit and veg. And try not to pick at or squeeze your spots! I couldn't help it and left some scars :( Hope this helps, good luck!

  2. first off, drinking loads of water is brilliant for your skin.  Your skin is an organ, so cleansing from the inside out really it does work!

    Also, if you are a teenager, are you using makeup a bit more often if so, the old cleanse, tone and moisterise does help it all over.

    Here is an odd one, but it actually does work, if you have a spot coming, put toothpaste on it (the white type for preference) it will dry it out.

    I doubt you have real acne, but one of the things that can really kick it off is too much dairy, (cheese, milk etc).  I thought it was a myth, but it can have an effect.

    best advice, loads of water (PS water instead of caffiene also is very good for cellulite as well!)  

  3. i had bad spots when i was in school, i went to my doctor because i felt depressed about it and he put me on the pill, it is the contraceptive pill but only classed as the 'mini pill' the one i was on was called DIANETTE go to the doctor and ask him about it.

    how old are you?? cause if you are under 16 you will need your mum with you to give the doctor the ok to be on the pill, my mum was unsure at first cause i was 14 when i went on it but i tell you what within a few months i had not 1 single spot on my face and now im 19 and the only time i get spots is when im coming on my period and thats only a couple on my forehead.

    honestly it really works but remember if you are under 16 its no excuse to start having s*x

    good luck


  4. hey Tiffany,

    try the neutragena wave supposedly it's brilliant


    or Clean & Clear thats also good, because i'm not sure the Wave is out in England yet.


  5. The best treatment for your spots is almost certainly diet related. Try eating less dairy and meat and see the effect that it can have. I have done this and had perfect, clear skin ever since.

  6. Clean and clear: quick clear spot treatment gel. works within hours.

  7. steam your face over a bowl of hot water every day

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