
How do i get rid of spots? hormonal, not diet related.?

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i'm vegetarian, i eat really healthily, drink loads of water, and do plenty of exercise...yet my skin looks really unhealthy. the pores on my nose, chin and forehead are big and my face (mostly my cheeks) have spots on them. i'm guessing it's hormonal. i've tried distilled witch hazel every morning and evening, washing really thoroughly every time i'm near a sink, cleanser and toner every evening to take off my make up and cleanse my skin, and even toothpaste. nothing works. Anyway i've seen all these adverts for teenage skin products and i wonder if anyone who has similar skin to me can recommend something that they know works. i'm open to any suggestions; products from shops or homemade solutions. But please tell me how often to use the solution.




  1. If it's that bad then the best thing to do would be to go to the doctor. They can give you stronger topical creams or antibiotics which work a lot better than products availible in shops. Antibiotics work particularly well as long as you finish the course.

    Honestly a lot of the things in shops don't work too well and only make redness go down a bit, tea tree oil facewash once or twice a day and tea tree oil spot cream on bad areas twice works decently though.

    Wearing make up in spotty areas can actually make them worse too, even if you wash it off later. Lots of people don't like to think of this since it means they'll look worse before looking better.

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