
How do i get rid of the chlorine smell on my skin after swimming??

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no matter what shower gel i use, i can't seem to get rid of that horrible chemical smell from swimming in an indoor pool.... i hate waking up the next morning smelling like a chemical factory! can anyone recommend a solution?




  1. you are never going to get it off.  sorry!

  2. um im gonna say have a shower and use some deodorant, that might be a really big help..... soaps always good too.

  3. There are some companies who sell shampoos and conditioners that take out the chlorine.  Me, I personally love the smell.  When I'm away from the pool during the winter, I can actually smell chlorine when a science teacher has it.  Makes me feel more at home.  I'm so used to being in the water, that it doesn't affect me as much.

  4. It's really hard to get the smell out once it has gotten into your skin. You need to stop it before it gets in. this may sound weird, but it works. I used to do this when I swam. You need to apply a very thin layer of Vaseline. it create a barrier to keep out the chlorine. then when you are done swimming just wash off with soap and water. the soap will break up the Vaseline.

  5. It is not easy to remove the smell from your skin.  Yes, there are shampoos that are designed to help, but even most soaps can't mask it well.  It's chlorine, like what you smell in Clorox bleach.  If you swim everyday, eventually you won't smell any more, but it will still be there.  

    I swim in the morning, shower with soap and shampoo, use deoderant and cologne and my wife can still smell it on me when we cuddle at night.

  6. you can be anti chlorine soap/shampoo, which removes chlorine from you totally and removes the smell! =]

  7. washing off with a baking soda solution helps.

  8. there is a shampoo to take  of the chlorine you can use on the body to

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