
How do i get rid of the fleas!?!?

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both of my kittens have terroble fleas and we even get bit sometimes.My bff had a cat and he gave it a bath with flea shampoo and it soon after died and i dont want that to happen. So wat else can i do




  1. dawn dish soap is awesome to get rid of fleas it stuns the fleas and gives you time to get them all off

  2. FLEA BOMB the house

  3. after trying to get rid of fleas for 3 months now i am very pessimistic.

    we have been using advantage on the cats (topical flea treatment) every 3 weeks,  flea spray and vacuuming frequently and i still manage to find some live ones.  

    i have no idea what to do any more and my vet is no help, they keep telling me advantage will work but it doesn't seem to be working.  

    i am going crazy.

    good luck, it is practically impossible to get rid of them

  4. well you can flea bomb the house, but make sure anything u put in ur mouth is put away and animals are outside and everything is locked up, but my dads tried that SOoo many time and it doesnt work you can give them this flea medicin thing but it doesnt work for me. Sometimes we have to keep our cats outside! i suggest going to the vet maybe

  5. a few flea baths, more then one at least 2-3.  make sure that you start at their neck and work your way back (the fleas like to hide in the ears to get away from the soap and the soap around the neck acts like a barrior between their ears and fleas.

    flea spray your horse, make sure that cats are away from the spray for as long as the bottle/instructs tell you.

    good luck with the fleas, it takes more then just one treatment to get the fleas down. . . but with alittle work you cats can be happy flealess cats.

  6. You could go to the vet and get meds like advantage or frontline for your cat.  Be careful though.  You called your them kittens so they might no be old enough for the meds.

  7. You can get flea spray, and to prevent them from coming back, give them flea collars.

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