
How do i get rid of the soar my wetsuit gave me on my neck?

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ive been surfing for a week straight now and my wetsuit gave me a sor/cut all around my neck. how do i treat this/prevent it?




  1. First, stay out of the water til it heals. This used to happen to me and I just took a big glob of petroleum jelly(vaseline)and rubbed it around my neck and part of the wetsuit where I got chafed. It will work it's way into the neoprene, so add more. A big glob, too. It sounds weird but it works. Put some in your armpits if you get rubbed raw there, too. Also a rashie worn under your wetsuit helps.

  2. Dude, you need a rash guard shirt!!!!

    Here's where I shop:

    Stay out of the water for a few days so it can heal.  :-)

  3. I cant believe you dont ware a rashguard under your suit.

  4. It helps to wear a rahguard underneath next time. The best advice I have is to stop activity around the area until it heals.

  5. iyou could try wearing a rash guard underneath your wetsuit. they sell them at any surf shop. or i somethimes apply a product that is made for joggers called anti chaffing , it's like a little stick of deoderant but you apply it to your neck or under your armp or wearever your suit may rash you before putting on your wetsuit

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