
How do i get rid of them!?

by  |  earlier

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pink worms are poking out of my carpet and they're usually accompanied by ants. i vacuumed them and threw them away outside. but they keep coming out of the carpet. it's only in my room though. how can i do something more permanent than vacuum them to keep them away?




  1. remove your carpert and see if they are coming from your floor or your carpet. if its coming from the floor, you should call a contractor or an exterminator.

    If its from ther carpet, GET A NEW ONE!!!1

  2. PINK WORMS!!!

    I think you should go to a detox centre & magically when you come home the pink worms will have disappeared

  3. spray bug killer on the floor...duh

  4. u get an exterminator

  5. Thats gross, rip up your carpet and see what it is and then replace it if it is the carpet, and if it isn't get a professional to get rid of them!!

  6. get rid of your carpet!!!

  7. Thats digusting. Theres probably a lot from mold and sutff under your carpet. I suggest an exterminator. If you cant afford that, just look up on google something that will kill worms

  8. 1

  9. thats disgusting dude.


  10. :o


  11. exterminaters


  13. Get the bug people to come in and kill them.

    or just hit the easy button!:-)

  14. you should get them checked out

    i've never even heard of anything like that

  15. DEFINITELY call the bug guy (an exterminator)!  This sounds like an infestation and if left unchecked, it can spread throughout the house!  Good luck!

    P.S. Get a new carpet immediately following the exterminator.

  16. put tile floor in ur room

  17. Well either the worms laid eggs in your carpet or whoever installed your carpet just installed them over dirt.  Hire an exterminator to check it out - that's the easiest and best thing to do.

  18. are you serious???  well all i can do is suggest an exterminator just like everyone else did.  Please keep shoes on your feet if your walking around in the area where this is occurring.  You should definitely throw away the rug!!!

  19. What is your carpet made of. Wool, Sisal etc.  I would contact the people you purchased the carpet from and if they are of no help maybe consider the public health responsible for your area.

  20. Lol thats gross, but if its the first floor i bet your floor is rotting underneith, and its coming up....good luck =D

  21. do you have pets if so thats why;...

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