
How do i get rid of these Cid popups ?

by  |  earlier

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these sites are driving me crazy!

really bad one's and i tried nolop and noadware

please help me

its really irritating !




  1. If you tried NoAdware and it didn't find anything when you scanned the computer. then another program which can help is XoftSpySE. It is a very good program, has larger database then NoAdware. You can find information and free scan at the link below.

  2. CiD is a sponsor for "Windows Live Messenger plus"

    you can remove the sponsor via control panel...add and remove programs. Go to "Messenger plus! Live" and click remove and you will be given the option to remove the sponsor (CiD).

    Go here and use the nolop program.

  3. first try to erase the internet history

    start>internt rigth clik> properties> delete history finish that will work

  4. first get internet security from a known software company like norton it works the best then after you have scanned and removed it or any other spyware you then go to the control panel. then go to the add or remove programs and go down the list and you will see that cid has downloaded onto your computer and remove it.

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