
How do i get rid of this fairytale hope?

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So i broke up with my boyfriend of over a year...basically i thought i was going to marry him... its been two weeks of no contact and yet i still have hope inside me that he will pop up out of no where and grab me and say i love you i missed you i cant live with out you....... yea i know im pathetic... but everywhere i drive i look for his car... sometimes i would think hes waiting for me outside my job ...... how do i squash this last piece of hope i have... im constantly disappointed and let myself down... how do i make myself realize its over... my brain knows.. my heart doesn't...




  1. Time WILL heal you.  

  2. follow the heart, go get this guy your obvious inlove with! duuuhhsky!

  3. Move on.  

  4. wow. that is scarily similar to my situation. like i was with my bf for over a year and now its been two weeks since we've talked...  

    the only way ive been coping is to surround myself with people who didnt know him, start new things (like for me its getting really healthy, eating right and going to the gym and doing yoga and stuff) and basically just trying to remember the reasons why we broke up. for me its cause i found out he was cheating on me nearly the whole time so its easier in a way because i can just make myself really angry at him so i dont miss him, but you just have to find something that makes you realise that breaking up was the right thing to do. other than that.. time is really the best thing. give yourself time to heal but dont be afraid to start dating again.  good luck hun x  

  5. You already answered your question...with your last line. Everything you are feeling is so normal...It's the "sun will come out tomorrow" syndrome..We want everything to work out and everyone to live happily ever after. You are not pathetic...Don't be so hard on yourself.. As time goes by , you will accept the ending of this "fairy tale " and move on to your next chapter...

    Stay positive and look toward a bright future!

  6. Time will fix it.And I don't think that you are pathetic,the same thing happened to me when i broke up with my boy friend .

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