
How do i get rid or goatheads (a.k.a stickers)?????

by Guest62394  |  earlier

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i have goatheads in my backyard but i don't kno how to get rid of them. there isn't any weeds growing them their just there.and the only reason y i want to get rid of them is so i can be safe falling on the ground playing need answers fast!!!THANX




  1. Goat heads do grow from a weed, it is a broad leaf weed, not a grassy weed. To kill them after they are up you should use a product like weed-b-gone or 2-4-D. To prevent them you will need to apply a preemergent in the spring. Goat heads like a sandy soil with low fertility, so if you fertilize and water your lawn through the summer, you can get some control that way. If you can pull or spray the weed before it makes stickers, your in luck. If it already made stickers, then you will need to pull them or try to rake them out .

    Geese like to eat them, so all you need is a herd of geese. Of course they will leave a lot of p**p behind.

  2. There is a weedkiller product called Image that will kill out these kinds of weeds, buy it at Lowes or Home Depot.

  3. well we always pull them up and throw them away as soon as we see them. make sure you don't spread them. and we have none.  

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