
How do i get sails to look like they are taking wind?

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My school is putting on the play "The Oddyssey". I have to figure out a way to get sails on a boat to suddenly "take wind." I cant use fans because it will interupt curtains. Does anybody have any "cheap" ideas?




  1. On the Mast you could use PVC pipe with holes drilled into it about 1 Inch apart, cap the top and then run the bottom end to a Compressor (outside) when you turn on a valve you will have instant air only to the Sail. I don't think it will fill the sail but you will have the illusion of wind.

    Teacher,s you gotta Love,m

  2. blow into them

  3. Ah, the pesky problem of "on-stage" wind ruffling the teasers... I had to use fans for the hurricane on a production of "Mister Roberts"... we just weighted down the curtains with pipe so they wouldn't ruffle...

    To your specific problem, I'd suggest making the sails out of VERY light cloth, so you can get them to "billow" or "luff" with a VERY light fan.

    Fiberglass rods could also be inserted in the vertical end seams of the sails (I'm assuming you're using a square sail), and then bent with a hidden line to give the allusion of being filled with wind.

    I hope you can pull this one off... it sounds like an intriguing problem

  4. put a slight list on the 'boat' like it is leaning over.  the weight of the sails should cause them to look 'full'.  try it!  more lean more fuller sails, if your sails are cut to have some depth to them.  sail aren't flat - they have shape to them like an airplanes wing.  good luck with your production!

  5. Put thin pvc pipe in seams on sides and a harder pipe on bottom. When wind look is needed lift bottom bar causing sides to bend and look windfilled.

    Put a piece of fishing line on outer of one or both sides so it can only bend one way or it may look funny or backwards

    You could also use thin wood moulding

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