
How do i get silver pen off my car window?

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Someone used a silver gel pen and drew a squiggle on my car window. Any ideas how to get it off please?




  1. i know it sounds strange but try hairspray

  2. Turps (white spirit)

  3. Just some hot soapy water and a used kitchen scourer. Gently rub in a circular motion. Make sure the scourer is well used  so it wont scratch and dont keep rubbing in one spot keep going over it from left to right. Should work a treat

  4. Have you tried regular water?  

    The gel ink is water-based, so this should work.  

    If it doesn't, try rubbing alcohol, or acetone (nail polish remover).

  5. Nail polish remover, but don't get it on the car cos it rips paint off

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