
How do i get tested for ADD?

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I can't focus in school AT ALL. I'm guessing i have ADD cause it runs in the family. I'm going to the doctors tomorrow to see what if i can get on aderal. But i would like to know how to get tested? and is it true that doctors might not be able to prescribe it? I need more info




  1. well a neurologist or a similar doctor can basically give you a full day test were you are observed and asked questions. this is not only used to diagnose ADD/ADHD, but other behavior disorders.

    also there are so many drugs in the market to treat ADD that you will never know what stimulant you will receive till it is prescribed. the prescribed medication is adjusted to you, adderall could possibly be to strong in your case, its one of those things were you just need an evaluation of how severe your ADD is.

  2. Common characteristics of an ADHD child include the following:

        * difficulty sustaining attention

        * is easily distracted

        * often does not seem to listen

        * often does not complete activities

        * loses things

        * often interrupts or intrudes on others

        * has difficulty awaiting turn in groups

        * often blurts out answers to questions

        * often engages in physically dangerous activities

          without considering the consequences

        * Talks excessively

        * has difficulty playing quietly

        * has difficulty remaining seated

        * often fidgets or squirms in seat

        * difficulty following instructions.

    ADHD or ADD is likely present if more than 8 of the above conditions are present.

    There is also a more in depth on-line test at the link below - of course a doctor or a psychiatrist is the best judge but always best to be aware.  And note that you don't want to be on a medication if you don't have the disorder, it acts differently on people who don't have ADD or ADHD  -  


  4. I am a CCMA

    My daughter has ADD the TRUE way to diagnosis is you have to take a written test to be properly diagnosed.. The test is preformed by a Psychologist or Psychiatrist.Not a neurologist

    If all the Psychologist or Psychiatrist wants to just talk to you and diagnose you that is not a true diagnosis

    My daughter was properly tested in this way

    Prescriptions for ADD/ADHD are a trial and errror.. What works for one my not work for the other and Adderall is not the most or first prescribed medication.. It is usually  Concerta and Ritalin

    Ignore M P as he or she has NO clue and they do NOT do blood work up for allergies.. Like I stated it is Trial and Error

    Ritalin and Concerta are also controlled substances..

    Any ADD Medication is regulated through The DEA and a special prescription is used usually in triplicate form

  5. Aderal is a controlled substance and is highly abused.Because of this doctors are more conservative with prescribing the medication.Usually the doctor will interview you and maybe give you a questioner.Some doctors may do some blood tests and also allergy testing.Good luck and I hope I didn't lose your attention.

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