
How do i get the guy that i want to want me back?

by  |  earlier

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oh he isnt the typical brad pitt for a 13 year old he is a rude jerk whom i cant resist he flirts with me then he hates me last year i was not pretty and didnt work on it this year i am more confident, pretty, and thin but what is a full proof way to catch his eye i have a uniform cant go shopping limited resources




  1. right, so you've 'worked on' your looks, - but there's one major thing you're forgetting here, and it's particularly important with cheeky 'rude jerks' - you have to start thinking about how you act around him. I would say that if you act confident, cheeky and tease him just a little - nicely, not nastily- and blow hot and cold [go up to him and act interested, smile and then turn your attention elsewhere] you will get a far better response than if you are so passive. If you act like you think you look great and have confidence then it will be super attractive.

    P.s. there's also the possibility that, at age thirteen, he isn't ready to be seriously interested in girls. Boys are behind girls at this age. If this is the case, and the above doesn't work, then you need to focus on making friends with him and see what develops from that.

  2. There is no way you can just get him to want you.I think you should just wait for him to make a move.

  3. How about just being you.  If you have to behave like a peacock to get someones attention, maybe he just isn't really interested in a boyfriend/girlfriend deal....showing off isn't what guys are into.  Try just saying "hey..."

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