
How do i get the kitten to use the litter tray?

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I just got a kitten who is 8 weeks old we think its toilet trained but we got her around 5ish yesterday, its now half 10 in the morning and she still hasnt gone. Shes been eating and drinking and stratching at the floor alot. How can i make her go? x




  1. you just gotta dip there paws in it and use your hands  to make them rub the litter ...... that is how mime got it

  2. lock them into a very small room

  3. You can't make her go... You just have to keep an eye on her and, when she lifts up her tail looking like she's gonna p**p, quickly grab her and place her inside the tray. She will get the point.

  4. She will go when she is ready. just keep putting her into the litter try so she will understand that'ss where she needs togo too the toilet. It may take awhile even if she makes a mess on the floor put in into the tray that way she will smell it and learn to go to the tray when she needs to go.

  5. Put the kitten, food, water, and the litter box in a small room with hard floors. (a kennel will work too)

    It is against their insticts to urinate or p**p on hard, non-absorbant surfaces, so naturally he/she will learn to use the litter pan.

  6. I "taught" my first cat about the litter box. She hated it!  She refused to use it and would wait until she could get outside. I potty-trained my daughter and the cat thought that was cool. My cat used the toilet.

    If she hates the litter box, teach her to use the toilet. Come to think of it, if I have another cat, I'd rather toilet train it. Get a kid's potty chair, place it across from the toilet and take your cat, every time you go pee. Put your cat on the small chair, while you're on the big one. My cat was trained faster than my kid.

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