
How do i get the most air on a wakeboard?

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the most ive gotten is maybe 2 feet.. and im regular (left foot forward) but i havent tried riding switch... so which side is better to go to?

any tips?




  1. ok well if you have your left foot in front the easiest way to get air is going out of the wake on the right side(your toeside edge), if your riding switch you have the right foot in front go out of the left side of the wake( on you toeside edge). Start with the left foot in front, it will be easier because you've been riding that way. so basically you are going to start in the middle of the wake and go out on your toeside edge and keep your eyes looking to the shore or something up the lake- pretend as if your going to touch that thing. in wakeboarding you use the rope alot so if the rope has slack you will fall. so think of it as a pendulum and you are swinging over the wake and you never want to not be on an edge which means facing the boat. so your edging out looking to the shore and pull the rope into you so that it is below your belly button and your arms are touching your body. once you've done this turn to your heelside edge and keep the rope down and in and ride off of the wake. don't be in a hurry to get off of the wake or you will defeat the pop that it will give you. this is critical- keep the rope down in the air and keep your arms in, and LOOK AT SOMETHING UP THE LAKE, THE HIGHER YOU LOOK THE HIGHER YOU'LL GO.. if you look down you will go down and faceplant, dont look at the boat either. when you land MAKE SURE TO ride away, because if you dont all the momentium and speed that you have just built up will be for nothing. if your landing on top of the other wake try shortening the rope to the shortest it will go and then try again. also really push down on the rope and you can get yourself over the other wake. i learned this from the guys at mcelhinney wakeboard school- the best wakeboard school!!

  2. for starting out its easiest to jump with your toeside edge but you'll eventually find that heelside is more effeciant while your still learning. make a slow turn back towards the wake and lean back to build momentum and jump like your grabbing something up above you.

  3. more momentum the more air youll get

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