
How do i get the pain of braces to sooth?

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I just got my braces on 3 hours ago and my teeth hurt! how do get the pain to sooth?!?!?




  1. what i do is take pain killer then rub oragel on the teeth tht hurt to numb them

  2. Some advil or tyelenol and rinse mouth with warm water and salt. it helped me.

  3. Take a pain-killer and only eat soft food like noodles and gradually start eating harder food like toast. It took the throbbing to go away about two days but it still hurt to eat for a few weeks when i first got mine.

  4. I'm not sure if you can use it but Orajel?  

    Try taking some ibuprofen.

  5. i just got my braces yesterday and they didnt hurt as much, but u can use advil or tylenol.

  6. ibuprofen is the best that it will help. you can try orajel, but i am not sure it will work.

  7. take some pain medicine in a couple of days your gums will get used to the feel and it wont hurt anymore

  8. take  2 ibuprofens

    and eat ice cream (with a plastic spoon!) that what i did when i had braces.....but after a while you will definetly get use to the pain...its just the pressure of ur teeth moving thats hurting

  9. You need 2 Ibuprofen.  My doc use to always suggest I take 2 Advil just before seeing him.  Ask for wax if they didn't give it to you already to stop any poking from the wires.

  10. id recommend ibuprofen;

    it really helps me (:

  11. Take some tylonel/advil/aleve. I did and it helped a little when I got braces a year ago. Also, orajel works wonders! Just don't put too much because you might drool a little. I did that once and I was laughing at a joke and I started drooling. haha. XD

  12. To be honest you have to be very patient when it comes to braces. The pain may go away in three days or could last to up to a month or more (like it did me). It depends on the sensitivity of your teeth. Just make sure you stay on the soft diet until you feel absolutely comfy to eat solid foods. The inside of your jaws may hur because you aren't used to the braces. You can buy some peroxyl from walmart to numb the inside of the mouth. You can always take painkillers as well. And if that doesn't seem to help, good old fashioned cold icecream may help some. With time the pain will go away and I know it will seem like forever but just hang in there. I'm just now getting over my pain and I've only had my braces in for a month! :) I hope this helps.

  13. You can take an over the counter pain medication if you really need to. Also, if the braces rub up against your gums (which happens ALOT with braces...ask your dentist for some wax which will help alot. After a couple of days the pain should go away, so hold in there!

  14. Orajel and Advil (2). This will help A LOT.

  15. take 2 ibuprofen (400 mg) it should work

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