
How do i get the regies in pokemon ruby plz help?

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ps what is the stongest regie




  1. Ok well first u HAVE to catch a relicanth and a wailord. Then u need to have these moves with you: surf,dive,dig,strength, and fly.

    The Sealed Cavern

    To open the tombs of the three Regis, you must first unseal the Sealed Cavern.

    To do this, capture a Relicanth and a Wailord. After you've done this, fly to

    Pacidflog Town, and surf towards the fast currents, staying low.

    Eventually, you'll find an area you can dive in, that the currents try to push

    you away from. This can take some practice, but keep trying to make it into

    that calm water area. Dive down and enter the Sealed Chamber.

    Go to the back, and read to Braille wall. The wall will tell you to use Dig.

    Use dig in the middle of the wall and a door will appear. Enter and read the

    Braille on the wall there. There will be an earthquake and the game will say

    something along the lines of "It sounds like something opened somewhere".

    and only use masterball as a last resort

  2. go west of Pacifidalog town with  a Wailord and a relicanth

    and enter a part of a section underwater and solve the mystery

  3. Regi's Activation--> You need a Wailord and a Relicanth to get them and a Pokemon With Dig Then go to Route 134, Yes the one with the currents in one of the currents Use Dive then go pass the path, then dive up. You'll see a Tomb with dots you see when you talk to them. Use DIG then the cave will open. go there and put Relicanth First in your party and Wailord Last. Then talk to the Big Tomb. Then a Earthquake will Happen. that will acitvate the Regis.

    Regirock--> To get to Regirock. Go to Route 111, Yes The Desert. you need Strentgh. Go down in the desert and you'll see a cave. go in it. then in the Cave. Read the inscription then go Right Twice. then Down twice then use Stenght. The door a open and there will be Regirock. It is at level 40.

    Regice--> to get regice fly to route 105, then surf Noth-West and you'll see a Cave. Go in it, then Read the inscritpion then WAIT a little bit. then it will open. this can take minutes so be Patient. go in the door and you'll see Regice. Level 40.

    Registeel--> to get Registeel go East-West of the Safari zone, then you'll see a staircase. go yp the stairs. then you'll enter another part of route. (where it's raining) and you'll see the cave. go in there and read the insctipion.... then go in the center then use FLY. the door will open then you'll see Registeel. It is at the Usual Lv.40

    Hope it helps

    Ps: personally i like regirock, but there all equally powerful

  4. They're all the same in strength.hing to catching the Regi Pokemon is unlocking the entrances to their tombs - this is done through the Sealed Chamber. To get to the Sealed Chamber, make sure you have a Pokemon that knows Dig, Surf and Dive; then head to Pacifidlog Town and Surf West and keep to the bottom of the ocean current. Soon you'll come across a dive spot. Dive there and follow the path untill you come to a rock with dots on it - the dots are Braille and it is very important in catching the Regi Pokemon. The dots you are facing say "Go up here." So use Dive and you will be in the first room in the Sealed Chamber. In the first room is the Braille alphabet in order from the topmost left pillar. The large pillars have the letters while the two small pillars have a "." and a "," on them. These pillars are important if you ever lose the Braille decoder sheet - but otherwise of no use. Head to the wall with more dots on it, there is the entrance to the second room. Face in between the dots and follow the instructions on the wall "Dig here."

    Now you are in the second room. The small pillars to the sides tell the story of the Regi Pokemon:

    "In this cave we have lived."

    "We owe all to the Pokemon."

    "But, we sealed them away."

    "We feared it."

    "Those with courage, those with hope."

    "Open a door. An eternal Pokemon waits."

    At the end of the room, the Braille code states: "First comes Relicanth. Last comes Wailord."

    Now you have done all you need to in the Sealed Chamber. It's time to catch the Regi Pokemon. Be sure to have a Pokemon that knows Surf, Dive, Dig, Fly and Strength. Those Pokemon can be in any order as long as Relicanth (Can be caught underwater on Routes 124-126)is First and Wailord (Wailmer evolves into Wailord on level 40) last. And last of all: bring plenty of Pokeballs!

    First up is Regice which is found in the Island Tomb North-West of Dewford Town and South-West of Route 104. Navigate your way through the maze of small islands and you should find the island cave. Inside, the Braille code reads: "Stop and wait. Wait for time to pass twice." As soon as you press A again, don't move - just wait. You have to be pretty patient but the wall will open and you can catch Regice.

    Next up is Regirock in the Desert Ruins on Route 111 (the desert). Once you're in the desert, make your way South and you should find Regirock's tomb. In the tomb, the Braille says: "Right, right, down, down. Then use Strength." Follow these instructions and the door to Regirock should reveal itself.

    Lastly is Registeel in the Ancient Tomb off Route 120 (near Lilycove). Registeel's tomb is a few levels up and through a patch of grass. In the tomb, the Braille reads: "With new time, hope and love, aim to the sky in the middle." After you read that, take five steps from the middle of the Braille marks to the door you came through. Next, use Fly and the door to Registeel should appear. If not, calculate the middle position in the tomb and use Fly there. Now all you need to do is to catch Registeel.

    so you want the regies not easy

    ok ,ok first you need to open all three doors . first go to pacifidlog town. go to the last house on the left and use serf! keep going but avoid the rapids!you should come to an island,stand beside the old lady and serf again.stop when you come to the dark water. then dive. once under the water swim intill you find a tablet,read it! it will be brail,but it says go up. so do it.once onside the cavern go to the back wall. read it, it will say dig here. so dig. once inside go to the back wall again it read it. it will say" first comes relicanth then comes wailord. so switch themin that order. read the tablet again then a earthquake will happen opening the doors!

    regirock= go to the desert,enter the cavern. walk up to the tablet read it. walk 2 steps right then 2 steps down then use strength the door should open.

    regice = Surf west of petalburg until you reach island cave. Stay very close to the wall, and run around the whole room once then a door will open.

    registeel = Have a pokemon that knows the move flash, read the braille then take 3 steps down from the braille and use flash the door will open.

    I hope this helps somewhat!

    You NEED the national pokedex too!

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