
How do i get the sticky stuff from the price tag off of my highheel chair??

by  |  earlier

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okay well i have this pink highheel chair and i have had it for TWO years now! and there is still gross price tag goo on it and it has turned grey on that part and tis gross,, its like fabric that you would have in your car,, like leather knock off maybe? im not really sure wat the fabric is called but if anyone knows any good ways,, you know 'home remedies',lol,, to get it off i would REALLy appricate it!




  1. goo gone then use dawn dish liquid to get the greasy residue off.


    peanut butter and a toothbrush brush the peanut butter in and then wash off, than if there is a greasy residue use dawn dish liquid to cut the grease and rinse with a wet cloth till clean.

    rubbing alcohol  (Keep rubbing)

  2. try nail polish remover it worked for me

  3. Try some rubbing alchol, but first do a spot test on a place that wont show to be sure it wont mess up the color or your fabric

  4. Try some rubbing alcohol on a soft cloth...

  5. some type of oil (olive / veg) and a little scraping should get it off w/o damaging the chair - plain soap & water to get any oil residue.

    You could also try this stuff called GooGone.  Just remember to try it on a hidden spot to make sure it doesn't adversely affect the look of the faux leather.   Same with WD-40.  both of these things work like a charm on adhesives.

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