
How do i get the vein to come out of my bicep?

by  |  earlier

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i lift a lot for football




  1. You need to workout. Working out lets you have better blood circulation, thus you get popped veins.

  2. lift lots of weights, and drink lots of water. they'll come. give it time. good luck!

  3. Well with all other aspects being taken care of like pu;ll-up strength, explosive strength, sprint conditioning. And all that stuff and also stuff specific to your position in football. Like car pushing for lower body strength. Build up you barbell and dumbbell curls to real heavy weights and than start working to rep them out. Also pull-ups and chin ups should be strted with your lats, but you always finish with your biceps so they are good for that.  SO yeah, build up to real heavy curls and than start repping them out. After you est a goal for heavy, stick with it  until you cna get 15 with whatever you plan to woark up to. SO maybe you cna culr 50 for 5 resp, maybe work up to 60-65 and than focus on repping it up. Get twenty reps or something.

  4. na for some reason ur bicep vein is always very prominant since especially when ur strong// its since the bicep gets the most pumps./but   maybe get off that creatine ur on lol if u  r on it//

    oh and stop jackin off  that help lol

  5. First open your pocket knife.....

    LOL. Just kidding. It's just that you said come "out" of your

    Honestly, I don't know the answer to this, but I just couldn't help

    Good luck.

  6. I know it's not typical to answer a question with another question, but why would you want to get the vein to come out of your bicep?  Nobody, other than Joey's from New Jersey, think that's cool.  If that's you then you should already know to just do a bunch of steroids and just do a ton of bicep curls every day.  While you're at it, you should wear wife beaters around and cut your hair real short.  Drop your pants just a little lower than they should be and go out and start fights everywhere you go.  Toss in a hat that you wear backwards and twisted to the side a bit and there ya have it.  You'd be well on your way to officially being a douche bag.  

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