
How do i get this guy off my mind?

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There is this guy, the most popular guy in school.

Im not the kind of girl that wants to follow the crowd,

i dont want him to be on my mind all the time.

I tell myself ALL THE TIME that i dont like him, but every time i take a test like, 'does your crush look at you often', i always think of him first, theni immidiatly think of another guy, just so he would get off my mind.

I also often find myself staring at him. Usually i'm day dreaming, the when i snap back my head is just headed in his direction.

Sometimes i admit to myself that i like him, but it just frustrates me more.

I know he has absolutely no interest in me, other than a friend.

He gets along with absolutely everyone, and has no enemies. HE's never mean, and that makes me angrier. If he was a jerk like all the rest of the guys i know, than maybe it would be easier to get him off my mind, but he's perfect.

I hate perfect, but he still keeps popping in my head.

He also has bad taste in girls.

One girl that has been his girlfriend for so long is soo S****y she posted pictures of herself naked n myspace.

And the other girl that he got with just had a miscarrage, and she is only 15, and she is bisectual.

Not that i m against it,

no not that i care.

PLEASE, give me an idea that would help me get him off my mind.

i know this has nothing to do with anime, but you guys give better advise!




  1. I know that this answer is kinda weird but try this- watch animes, cartoons and shows-well that's what I do when I'm stressed or there is something in my mind that's bothering me...because when you watch anime, you'll feel refreshed...after watching normally what will pop in your mind is what you have watched...well, I'm not sure if this will help but at least try it because foe me it's effective (try la corda d'oro primo passo, to heart, or final approach)...I hope your problem will be solved soon, bye ( )

  2. find a new guy that you like just as much or that likes you too. but it just sounds like you like him and there is nothing wrong with that.

  3. First you have to ask yourself a few questions:

    Do you really want to get him off your mind?

    Are you attracted to the fact you think he doesn't appear to seem interested in you?

    Do you like challenges?

    The bottom line is this-- unless you are extremely unattractive or odd, or he is deeply involved with another girl or g*y, then there should be no reason why you couldn't gain his interest.

    It all comes down to confidence, self esteem, and your ability to flirt.

    There isn't a male out there that cannot be made to be interested if a female knows how to flirt and is confident in herself.

    A simple gentle pinch of his arm as you walk by, or a cute smile with a wink if you two happen to exchange glances.

    Also, always being around alot but not watching him. Casually brushing his arm with yours as you walk by and go to reach for something.... etc. You get the picture.

    Otherwise, if you are truly NOT interested in him, then it is simply mind over matter-- genuinely acknowledging to yourself you are truly not interested and then letting it go.

    We are in complete control of how we think and feel. We always have a choice. As with anything, of course there are a few exceptions such as the death of someone we love or abuse, but these are extremes.

    Would like to hear how it ends up.

    Take care,


  4. try a sport or something else after school. delete him off myspace.

    help with mine?

  5. see a guy

  6. lol ya we do.

    Anyways i understand u and  i have the same problem but if u keep saying i don't like him u just get all why I'm i kidding myself, seriously its no harm to like him , from your words he scine pretty nice and if u can have him why not, besides i only ever see guys like that in anime.-sigh- anyways its no harm what so ever its not wrong I'm like that no different from you i don't like the guys everyone likes but when i do i don't really care cause I'm still young he will come and go that's what a crush is, don't worry about it just don't let it change u, for the worst i mean.

    answer this question plz

  7. get a pet?

  8. If a guy is one your mind, maybe its because hes supposed to be there

    But spend time with friends, they always help to distract you.  

  9. Vibrator

  10. I say, you shouldn't try to forget him. Confess!!! Considering what you wrote, the worst that can happen is that he'll apologize and say that he can only think of you as a friend...If you do that, and he rejects, you'll forget him in no time, If you do that and he accepts, you'll be happy!!! This is a win-win situation!

    (Hehe, I know I sound like main character of a shoujo manga's best friend, Sry xD)

  11. Just come on to him. If he says yes, then problem solved. If he says no, then either you'll know for sure that it'll never happen, or you'll be too embarrassed to even think of him again. That's what I call win-win.

    If that doesn't do it for you, then just talk with the girls he used to date, maybe they can help you see him as less than perfect, because trust me, none of us are perfect.

  12. ive been there before, honestly you should do an activity or something so he is not he focus on your mind like that. and whenever you start to think of him just think of something that he does that irriatates you, just anything about him. that should turn your mind off of him

  13. You see him and are physically attracted to him and the rest is just made up fantasy in your mind, probably what you would like a guy to be like but the truth is he will probably wind up with herpes or some other disease you could get from him if you were to hook up with him and sleep with him. LET IT GO

  14.    I see your madly in this guy if

      I think you shopuld ask him out then if its a no maybe then you could  star not likeing him  or get a boyfriend  or hang out with some friend and  just talk

      you are thinking to much of  him and   your target  is not to think of him so it comes up its hard i know but that is how it work there is no switch in crushes

  15. Remember that this is a normal thing and it will pass...yes, it will. Read a book, seriously. It will help clear your mind a bit. You will get over him and think back on this like, whoa, what was I thinkin?

  16. XD @ vibrator LOL

    ok now first wrong category to put this in, this should go in the relationship/love advice or what ever category - but true we are the wiser, so ill chime in my 2 cents as well XD

    anyway this might sound a little..well anyway how about you just try liking another guy, or maybe just date around - eventually u'll end up liking one and forget about the current one ur hung up on or try finding flaws with him, once u do  you'll go from liking him to bleh i dont like him anymore..well hope that helps. GL with that.

  17. when ever i want to get a guy off my mind i hang out with my friends a lot.

    i do things that make me happy like reading a book, getting my nails done, shopping, exerciseing, things that keep my mind busy and make me feel really good bout myself..

    and i hate to say it but maybe he keeps popping up in your mind for reason and you should talk to him because maybe he does like you more than you think you just havent given him a chance to show you.

    but if all else fails make yourself look super hot one night and go party and flirt with as many guys as you can.

    good luck!

  18. Honestly because of the girls he has gone with in the past he sounds really trashy.  I know he's probably good looking and all that but there are a lot of nice guys out there.  Maybe join a club or something where u will meet new people.

  19. cv

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