
How do i get this guy to understand that i dont want a boyfriend?

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i met a guy at my college who works the parking deck near my school, he speaks to me each time i leave and after a while i dont have to pay full price, just five dollars. then after about a month he let's me go in for free which i thought was cool but then he started asking me all sorts of questions about what i liked and then he put his hand on my shoulder and thats when i knew he liked me. he would hold up traffic trying to talk to me and the drivers behind me would honk there horns and flip him off but he just ignored them and let me go free. i dont want to hurt his feelings but what should i tell him?




  1. Well giving him your number really opened that door. You are just going to have to explain to him that at this point you just don't have time for a relationship. Let him down easy and he might still give you those perks.  

  2. You can say, "dude! have some pride and stop stalkin' me" or you can be utterly mean and say "p**s off!"

  3. Its a tricky situation, but as corney as it sounds, honesty is the best policy. He hasn't actually asked you out, or anything like that, so don't be rude, but just say you don't have time to talk right now and that you'd like to pay and leave. It you withdraw like this, he will probably get the message you aren't interested. Guys are more astute that you might think! Good luck!!

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