
How do i get though to my ex that i don't want him ,but i want him to be in the kids life ?

by  |  earlier

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that i think he still think that i am still interested in him and all but i have no feel in for him at all.

i tried very hard to stay with him for the kids but i don't like him in the room at all or even kissing him is gross in my eyes now,cause he keeps tell in me that he care but he also hit and said he never do that so i fell out of love with him since then




  1. Sounds very similar to my current situation. My ex pushed me in the stomach when I was pregnant and broke some of my stuff and in general tried to confuse and hurt me .Now we are over but have a 4 month old girl. He is making my life h**l when he comes to see our daughter he tries to hug me kiss me, touch me on the butt and tell me he loves me. He just wont take no for an answere. It is so frustrating. Hopefully with TIME they will realise it really is over...till then be firm and stand your ground. He will get the message eventually. Just say this I am only seeing you so you can see the kids we are over - you are welcome to be part of there life but we are done the sooner you accept this the better it will be for all of us. I text my ex that several times when he starts on me just keep repeating and dont back down. If hes been violent think about supervised visitation if you can get it.

  2. If he truly hits then why in the world would you want to throw your children under the bus and let them be alone with him.  If he is actually a violent person that is capable of hitting a woman then he should not have anything but supervised visitation with your kids.  Now if you are using this as an excuse so you can be with a new man then you need to have a neutral drop off and pick up spot so you don't have to see him.

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