I have a thoroughbred x quarter horse gelding, age 12 years old, who i have had for 7 months now. We have tried so many things on him, natrual horsemanship, and even stud chains and such, to try and get some respect from him. He gets in this mood, where when your walking him, he will try and drag you around, or be the lead of it, he will also rear up around you, when i let him in the arena, and swing the rope to get him to run, he will back up his hindquarters to me, throwing out kicks. He lunged at my dad about 2 weeks ago as well. Even under saddle he won't stop, and we have put him under bits from your every day snaffle, up to some of those 150 $ correctional bits. I'm unsure of how to get his respect, because I have tried lunging, and do all this backing up when he overstepped me, and adding stud chains and such. Well, one thing we thought was because he was proud cut, but even stallions give respect when taught right. I've never had a horse so hard to get through to. Any ideas?