
How do i get tickets for the disney channel games 2009?

by  |  earlier

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I really want to go to the disney channel games 2009.

how do i get tickets,, and when will they go on sale.!!!!!!

plzzzz if u know tell mee




  1. You dont need tickets for the game i believe u just need tickets to get into disney world. or disney land where ever its held. Check this website i noe its this years game not 2009 but it may be help.  

  2. i don't think they go on sale you have to know a person who works in the disney channel and you can watch it

  3. ebay

  4. they're website?

  5. they're already taped. they were like 3 months ago cuz they need to edit out all the real stuff. everything on there is fake.

    sorry to burst ur bubble but thats how disney channel is.

  6. u don't

  7. my guess by 09 u wont wanna go to the dc games

    disney is  getting worse by the second

  8. DisneyLand and usually they will tell you when the tickets are out if u watch Disney Channel

  9. The Disney Channel Games is inside Disney World (in Orlando) so you just need tickets to get inside DisneyWorld not for the DC Games

    heres a link:

  10. Find the nearest pedophile?

  11. well first you gotta wait till 2009 then you can get them on ebay or some other site

  12. ha u serious???  

  13. you can buy tickets for that?

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