
How do i get to be cooler in high school?

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i mean im liked by ALOT of people

but also there are always thoose ppl that hate me

and im always just benig myself

but listen....

im not really athletic

and ive never had a gf before

and im kinda that nerdy kid that alot of ppl love

but i know ppl r just gunna come up with the same bull they always come up with.... "always be urself"

but heres the thing.....

i wanna talk to girls more

and i kinda want girls to think as me than more than a friend

so what should i do?




  1. You gotta face it, not everyone is going to like you. But also, it gets easier as you get older. I was a big loser in high school, guys never even looked my way, once I was done high school, I became who I am now and not only do guys notice me, they talk to me, they flirt with me, and I have a boyfriend of a year and a half. Don't worry, you have plenty of time to be who you want to be. You'll just have to deal with it as it is now. I mean I never even had friends in high school... but I got through it, at least you have friends. If you want a girlfriend now, why don't you just start up a convo with a girl by complementing something like "you look nice today" or say something nice like "how are you doing today?" those are harmless comments but they grab someones attention and if you are nice enough, a nice person will return it and you can strike up a convo from there. Anyone who replies negatively to those nice comments is just a jerk and you shouldn't talk to them anyways. Always be nice, because when you are grown up, and there are hundreds of single women, they all want a wonderful man who won't abuse or cheat on them. Be the outstanding gentleman that a lot of women want. Girls want boys, women want men. Remember that.  

  2. Kill someone, then everyone will be afraid of you.  Just kidding of course, be yourself and I am sure everyone will like you, don't try to be something you aren't, that never works.

  3. if u havnt had a gf that means ur not attractive as the popular guys.. to change this you need to date more women and have more confidence. ask them out more and be more funny girls love that good luck buddy

  4. i know a kid that sounds like you at my school. and like i know from experience that i think of him as my goofy freind who will always be there for me but you should try flirting with them and act different around them from other girls who you veiw as just freinds. although don't over flirt and constantly hit on them cause girls just find that annoying

  5. yeah its true . BE YOURSELF.

    just don't be rude to anybody.

    make more friends .

    tell funny jokes[:

    just make people feel comfortable around you  

  6. just start a random conversation about something you both might like

       hope this helps :)

  7. be more confident about talking to girls...

    and for gods sake, if youve never had a gf before GO FOR ONE!!

    workout too.

  8. All you can do is be nice to them ever if they are mean back. Eventually morales will set it and they'll have neutral feelings or may even like you.

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