
How do i get to china Free?

by  |  earlier

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is there a way?




  1. be a foreign exchange student...and ask ur school to fund ur trip 100 %...and if they do...bring them back somethng cool...

    idk it might work

    good luck lol

  2. steel a plain ticket form some one you know that is going to china or stand on a corner of a big city in crappy cloths and beg for money

  3. good luck, nothing in life is free....but if u find away let me know.

  4. no, unless you act be like an illegal immigrant. stowing away into ships etc.

    immigration policy is now very strict.

    flights are fun and safe so i dont see why you want to go there free? its worse free.

  5. you'd have to take the slow boat to china

  6. put yourself in a box marked china and drop yourself off at the nearest fed-ex drop box

  7. go work for an international company that has office in China.  They will send you over there for business.

  8. its actually fairly simple you pretend 2 be a hot girl or sumtin and find someone that lives in china dat wats 2 "meet' u and u ask him if he can get u a ticket and if he says yes chaching!!!!!! lmao

  9. To be employed by a Chinese company and ask them to provide your tickets and accommodation.

  10. hitch hike good luck  

  11. Steal tofu in Chinatown and claim ur Jacky Chan's long lost love

  12. Grab a shovel and start digging, or build a boat and start sailing? I think a shovel is cheaper than wood for a boat, though.

  13. Yea.. if you are a high school student you can join a  transfer student program... but you will have to check if your county/school provides such programs. You can also join the olympics :D haha jk.. impossible >:O.  

  14. yeah you can go and take a tour with some kids and the tour company will pay for you for free thats what my is doing but she's going to spain

  15. You can try going over as a teacher of English. I wouldn't want to be in China with no money.

  16. If you have a college degree you could try the peace corps

  17. Disguise yourself as a plastic toy and return yourself to Wal*Mart.

  18. Go into your shed, get the shovel.   Now go to your back garden.   And dig, and dig, and dig.

    keep going down till you break a sweat.   Swim through the molten lava.

    Take an up at the core.

    And keep digging till you hit air.

    Congratulation your in China for free.

    when you are there you may be tired so treat yourself to a red bull.

    Be warned it is in chinese look for the famous blue and silver coloured can.

  19. Get somebody else ticket and passport and disguise like that person.

    Well You should expect to get answers to such questions on yahoo answers.  

  20. Swim.

  21. Have someone else to buy the ticket

  22. Train for about 3 years as a ninja.

    Do your research about what flights go to china.

    Ninja your way into the airport.

    Kill/choke out a few security guards.

    Sneak onto the cargo bay of the plane...and wait.

    When you get to out for the tanks.

    ...and the smog

    and....the lead toys.

  23. walk/swim/hitch hike/hide in a crate on a boat

  24. its impossible

    yu need a passport

    and then a way to get there

    which won't be free unless you have major connections

    and then u have to get into China through costoms. which wil cost you money.

    theres no way.

  25. You put yourself in  box and tape it up and get someone to ship you there.  -.-

  26. Dig or swim.  Good luck.

  27. ya.

    contact an agent in hong kong but once u get there u wil hav to pay the agent via bank draft/transfer.

  28. I think not, but if there is, I would like to know, that'd be sweet.

  29. Where ever your are say that u belong a Terrorist organization and will go to china. Any one would lead you to people in Uniform and they will escort you to china. But will ask some ques there after reaching. But i hope you will manage

  30. With your Emo hair you can go anywhere for free.

    On a more serious note, though, you can go to China by getting in the toilet and asking your mummy to flush you down. It's much quicker, cheaper and easier than using a plane. Really! :)

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