
How do i get to know my baby tiger oscar better so he doesnt go and hide when i come up to look at him?

by Guest61781  |  earlier

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i would like for him to just swim like a happy oscar not a stubborn oscar and i got him 11 days ago.




  1. Oscars are members of the Cichlid group. They are very intelligent. Most baby cichlids are shy when you first get them. Strangely enough, if you give them hiding places they feel safer and won't bother hiding as much. If there are plants and other objects in the tank, he can use them to hide behind until he feels safe with you. A small new flowerpot on its side is often used for a hiding place. You can also put in rocks or any of the different things they have in the store like sunken ships, skulls, small castles, etc., or even a cup that has its handle broken

    If you are the only one feeding him, he will gradually notice that food only arrives when you do, and will eventually overcome his fear and be glad to see you.

    I don't think he is being stubborn, just scared. Give him time & he will come around. :-)

    good luck. when he gets bigger, he can be a real pet, like a cat or dog. I knew of someone who would toss a ping pong ball into the tank and the oscar knew how to send it back out of the tank to his owner - I kid you not!!!

    By the way, oscars can grow VERY large. I have seen them a foot long, but I don't know how long it took them to get that big. Several years perhaps?

  2. Well to make him a happy oscar, are you meeting his needs with the type of set up you have? If you are then great. Try sitting in front of the tank watching him more often, he will see you too. And when you feed him you can keep your head at his level so he knows whos feeding him. In time he will get to know you and not hide anymore. My oscars will get very excited when they see me because they know I will feed them :)

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