
How do i get to know the manager at restaurants?

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How do i get to know the manager at restaurants?




  1. Go in during off hours, and you'll get to have actual conversations. It's the same for bars. Also, go regularly, particularly during off hours - every Saturday afternoon, or whatever. You can always ask to see a manager, but to really get to know them, go when it's not busy.

  2. What wrong with just asking to speak with him on a friendly term.

  3. complain about the food

  4. Most managers are glad to meet the customers. Just ask the waiter to get him/her.

    I really enjoy meeting the patrons.

  5. be rude and then he will come out

    or u hope for that

  6. Well, we found out eating at the same place say on every Friday night at the same time will draw him to you..because soon the waiters will start calling you by name Mr so and so..or Mrs So and so..and then the Big Guy will start coming out, soon you will have your table..and you will always get that same table which is great..which they will not sit anyone there because they know you will come on that day at that time and they actually worry if you dont show up at your usual time weird huh??..Then  you will go in one day and he will sit with you and just chit chat on everyday stuff that went on in your daily lives and start to share family issues,...and that is how we got to know managers..and then we started sending other people to the resturant..I guess that is what you call networking...We did that to a resturant we used to go to and then my 74 year old dad started going there..and he sort of became really popular with the people at the resturant and especailly the cook..and when my Dad  got cancer and then died shortly after..I dont know the workers took it real hard that ..the cook/owner cooked a large pot of chicken soup and we live in victoria and cook/owner had opened a place in Houston and had to move but..he drove from Houston to take him the soup my Dad   liked so much..because he wanted my dad to feel better.. but my dad touched their lives..that they have a picture of him in his office..So, you never know what friend you will be making by just going to a place regularly..God Bless..

  7. nicely ask to talk to one,that's all magics there is

  8. ask to see the manager

  9. Raise your arm straight into the air and snap your fingers loudly, if someone other than the manager arrives at your table, politely ask to see the manger.

  10. Ask to talk to them, and then compliment what you can about the place before you bring up any shortcomings.

    Next time you're there, bring friends (more business) and talk to the manager again.

    After that, check to see if the manager is there every time you are in the neighborhood.

  11. Start by introducing yourself the next time you eat there.  Second, every time you eat there, say hello, and call them by name.  Third, and last repeat process several times, and talk about things other than the restaurant.

  12. Just ask your server if you can speak to the manager

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