
How do i get to live and work or study in germany?

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i am a single,female,African Christian. no cheating or lying please.




  1. If you are an american and wants to work in Germany... Check out CPOL...  just google it... it has all kinds of jobs for the american... also... has a bunch too.  As long as you are holding a job you have permission to live in country... all you would have to do is find a place to live... good luck...

  2. Hey I am not sure how old you are, but I know of two programs for living and working or studying in Germany.  They are both through the US government.  The first is only for high school students and the second is for anyone between the ages of 18 and 24.  I did the high school exchange and it was an amazing experience.   You mentioned that you were Christian I am not sure what denomination, but I know I had a hard time finding a church that was not Catholic.  Of course I lived on a farm in the middle of no where.  Anyhow, you may want to visit a Freie evangelische Gemeinden if there is one near you.  I went there and really liked it.  Good Luck and I hope this helps.  I listed the websites for the program and the church below.

  3. To be able to work in Germany, you´ll need an official work permit and for that, you best come here on an "official" program, in which case the organization running it will get you one. :)

    I think your best choice at the moment, to get a general start, would be to contact your country`s "Goethe Institute". As you don´t give your exact location, I´m afraid you´ll have to google for it yourself.

    They are something like the German "Cultural" Embassy abroad and will be very happy to help you out on how to get a move on. Please stay away from private organizations or online-only-companies that charge you heeps for information - the Goethe Institute usually does the same for you entirely for free. If they can´t organize something for you themselves, they´ll direct you to 100% trustworthy organizations and programs that can. :)

    Good Luck!

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