
How do i get tough stains out of carpet, regular cleaners like Resolve do not work. Thank You!?

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How do i get tough stains out of carpet, regular cleaners like Resolve do not work. Thank You!?




  1. Resolve has surfactants in it. (soap). If you put soap on your shirt and rubbed it in to take a stain out,  you still have the residue of the resolve on your shirt. It is tacky.   It will attract dirt and it will get dirty again faster.  What is a tuff stain?  Oil is tuff. PET Stains are tuff. Coffee stains.   Liquid stains like sugars ie soda,  Use Stain Extinguisher ( Home Depot ) Carbonated cleaner.  No dirt attracting residue left over.  Spray the solution on the stain. Go forward and backward with a clean white terry cloth towel and then go left and right so you get all four faces of the carpet.  That should do the job.

    You can use club soda too. It's cheaper and it does not leave a residue. You don't want to use anything the will hinder or damage your carpet fiber for a professional cleaner.  

    Tuff stains.  Oil stains are difficultbecausee you just take the dirt off the surface of the oil and it looks clean.  Then it comes back again because you did not remove the oil. Solvents are used to remove oil. Or we use a solution to dry the oil out. Once that is done there is no dirt attracting residue.

    You need the right kind of solution for the kind of stain you have.  Like takes out like.  Identify the stain and you can defeat it.

  2. Oxi Clean

  3. Try regular shaving cream.  No seriously. Try it.

  4. If its been there a long time you wont no matter what you use. You can steam clean your carpet your self and it will look like a million dollars for the first week, then they return.

    If its white carpet, just add a capful of bleach to the steam machine, NO MORE THAN THAT!

  5. I'll tell you of a product I LOVE!  It's called Spot Shot.  It comes in a can that you squirt out a forced foam and it now also comes in a pump spray bottle that looks just like Windex.  Same color too.  I like it so much better than the foam because it doesn't wet the carpet as much and it is more accurate.  Recently, it even cleaned up set in cranberry juice that a little visitor to my house spilled without me knowing it until hours later.  And, this spot was like the size of a pizza.  She must have been holding her cup upside down or something.  Anyway, you'd never know it was there and I have carpet that is an off white color!!!!!  Try it.  I also have a sick cat that pukes on the rug all the time and since I seldom use that room, I often don't see it till it's all dried up and set in.  And, the Spot Shot works every time!  Love it!

    Then, of course, you could always rent one of those carpet steam cleaning machines from supermarkets or hardware stores, etc. and clean the entire carpet.

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