
How do i get unaddictted?

by  |  earlier

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well im only 19 and i am very addicted to blackjack.i have allready lost over a grand of my own money,and fear i will lose all my money.i have 24k in my bank as of now and i will have a couple million(due to a car accident and insurance case)next year.part of my problem is that i dont have much to fill my day with due to me being under surveillance. how do i get unaddictted?

btw i live in canada incase your wondering of my age




  1. under surveillance? o.k

    i grew up in vegas, lived there my whole life. i've since moved to washington state. i myself have had gambling issues. listen to me... you will lose all your money. please go get some help for yourself. gamblers anonymous, counseling, whatever it takes. you're still young and it sounds like you'll be o.k financially, but not if you continue to all. do yourself a favor. give yourself a chance at good adult life. get help now. good luck dude.

  2. well, ur not exactly in money trouble, i myself lost over 1k with roulette. but once i lost i thought "f**k this s*!t.

    there are many free money black jacks applications out there almost all casinos online offer a play money service,

    other than that aslong as the program is still in ur system if ur like me u can never fully quit, unistall it.

    if it persists talk to a psychiatrist.

  3. see a psychiatrist. basically you have a form of depression that is causing you to have addictive behavior. until you deal with the underlying causes, you will always be an addict.

    one of the symptoms is that when you hear this advice, the immediate reaction is "NO WAY, NOT ME!"

  4. need a new addiction. i'm kinda addicted to this stupid site.

  5. Try cold turkey. Just completely stop and don't do it again. Meanwhile, try another hobby that won't cost you all your money. Like Revo RC trucks or something.

  6. Quit

    Get help to quit and then quit.

    Find a nice girl or boy and get intimate that is much more fun

    End it all

    Pretty much those are your options

  7. Join a support group like gamblers anonymous, do it now before you risk losing anymore money.

  8. imagine this u lose all your money u live like a hobo without any money. why not try a new hobby, it works. your only 19 you can still change.good luck.

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