
How do i get water out of my ears?

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went swimming and ive had water in one of my ears for about a day... nothing works to drain it. any reccomendations on ear drops?




  1. Mix equal amounts of isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) and water.  Use an eyedropper to put a few drops in your ear.  Then turn your heard and shake, and it will drain.  Not sure why this works, but my family of swimmers swears by it!

  2. Try blowing a  hairdryer into your ear on low to medium power for roughly a minute.  That should dry the water up in no time. =]

  3. ear drops arent that good           jumping up and down works for me

  4. well you can use alcohol but the easiest way is to just plug your nose and blow with you mouth closed, the only escape for the air is the ears. good luck.

  5. Take a hair dryer and blow it on a table or counter and get the surface really hot. then stick your ear on there and sit there for like 30 seconds or something and when you pull up the water should come out.

  6. try putting alchohol on a q-tip  and let it kinda drip into your ear and then wait a second and put your ear towards the ground and it will usually come out..

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