
How do i get windows taskbar to top of the screen?

by  |  earlier

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i've tried unlocking the taskbar and moving it to the top but the taskbar only gets bigger. I've tried moving it around the screen (right hand side, to top) but still, it only gets bigger. Is their a program i can download or sumthing to fix it? i rlly want my ps to look like a mac.




  1. Unlock the taskbar. Now click on open space in the middle of the taskbar and drag and drop it wher you would like to place it.(do not just grab the edge. it will only make it bigger

    Lock the taskbar.

    Good Luck...

  2. right click the task bar>lock taskbar>clcik and drag bar to top of screen>right click>lock taskbar

  3. You click the task bar and drag it to the top..

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