
How do i get yahoo points quick!!!!?

by Guest21309  |  earlier

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email me @ not yahoo




  1. You've just got to answer a lot of questions with detail and make sure you answer the question correctly.. then you will get heaps of best answers and heaps of points! :D

  2. just only ask the questions you know, so that you will answer it well and then you will be on your way to having mass points, as for only geeks getting top contributor and answering a thousand question - i have answered only like 50 questions and am a top contributor so its more that if you are knowledgable in a area mine was watersports (rowing) then you got the yellow band thing so just anser lots of questions really well.

  3. huh?

    all you do is answer questions.

  4. sit and answer a lot of questions - good luck

  5. Um ... answer some questions, real quick! And become one of those dorks who responds "yes" or "no" to a thousand questions a night just so you can be a 'top contributor' because that's the first time anyone ever said anything so nice about you ...

    Mate ... it's not a comp ... relax and answer what interests you.

  6. easy click the back button on the internet explorer and click submit every time over and over again!!!

  7. I'll have what she's having ^^^

  8. hehe. sorry cant help ya mate.

    easy 2 points

  9. Don't ask silly questions...

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