
How do i gewt rid of fleas on my 2 week old kittens???

by  |  earlier

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my cat gave birth to 5 kittens about 2 weeks ago and the have terribly fleas

and i need to know how to get rid of them




  1. You need to consult your veterinarian as your kittens are too young for any product for flea control. I am not sure, but I think that if you treat mom the fleas will die on babies too, but as I said your vet will be able to steer you in the right direction.

  2. you need to get rid of the fleas on your cat.

    and vacuum,  vacuum,  vacuum.

    look for some king of flea stuff that's safe for kittens.

    i suspect that if it doesn't say it's not, then it's okay.

    however, you'll need to watch the weight, and not give them too much.

  3. I swear by this. Give it a bath in DAWN DISH SOAP. It will kill the fleas . The kitten might think otherwise but it will work. Just make sure the water is warm tempture and be sure to rinse it off well. Drying well is a must.

  4. they are to young to put medicine on so all u can do is use a flea comb on them and do not treat the mom for fleas either cuz the kittens r sucking on her and they would get the medicine in them and get sick

  5. How did they get fleas this young? Where are they? The best thing to do is take them to the vet and they might give you medicine. There aren't many medicines though that are safe for kittens this young

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