
How do i go about finding my daughters real father so that my fiance can adopt her later on? What if i can't?

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also i have not heard from him in about 4 years get no child support or anything..i have no idea where to begin on looking for him..ive never met his family and i actually dont even know their lost on what to do because i hear he has to sign his rights off..




  1. What an attorney will do, is put out ads in papers and if after a certain amount of time, the father does not respond then he can terminate the father's  rights.  Wont' be terribly hard if you have had no contact in 4 years.  Love to hear that your fiance wants to adopt your child.  Good luck to you.

  2. Finding him through family etc. is about your best course of action... if you don't want to do that though, you don't have to.  There is a legal process, which any family lawyer will be able to help you with, that involves posting information in the newspaper (who reads that stuff anyway) and waiting a sufficiant length of time for response.  Good luck!

  3. I think the courts will terminate his rights if you can prove abandonment like it sounds like you can. The state specifics may vary on this, can you ask a lawyer?

    from an adoptees side of this, please write down everything you know, because one day even if your child has never met her father, she may want to find them. Every speck of detail that you have or could try to get, will help her one day IF she wants to search for him. If you can't find him now, how will she find him then? Please don't ever stop looking for him JUST so that she can find him one day if she wants to. It could do SO MUCH for her sense of security in self and development of self.

    There are so many good searching tips and search angels on the web, if you have any searching questions ask them in the adoption section here, we've got a lot of good searchers on the board, some of us have been doing it for years.

  4. It is pretty easy to hire an investigator to search for him. Most can find their subject within a few hours. For instance, they start by seeing if he still has a driver's license in this state. If not, they follow the record to another state.  They also might contact relatives, who usually have a good idea where someone might be.

    If you can prove that the father knew that the baby had been born  and has just left, then you can prove abandonment.  But I would still try to find him and get him to sign off on the adoption. Some guys 'grow up' when faced with that.

  5. Sometimes a judge will sign away their rights if so many years have gone by and the father has not been in the childs' life or attempted to see them. They might have you take out one of those ads in the back of newspapers. I would think if you brought in enough evidence to show that you have attempted to locate him and he doesn't want to be a father than a judge will sign the paper.

  6. First you should contact the friend of the court.  They will be able to do help you locate him especially if he hasn't paid any child support.  Also if he hasn't tried to have any contact with your daughter or paid any child support that may work in your favor when it comes to the adoption process.  Next you may want to contact your local county court house or where you are going to file the adoption papers at.  They may have a process to help you find him.

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