
How do i go about getting a voter regristration card address changed into my current address?

by  |  earlier

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i lived in florida and my voters I.D. has a florida address. i currently live in new york but if i dont change the adress i wont be able to vote this year. what should i do?




  1. Go to the Florida State Website, and request a absentee ballot.

  2. Stop into your local Post Office and ask them for a voter registration card, and change your address, or inform them you need to update your information.

  3. You are going to have to fill out a new voter registration form, give them the info for your FL registration and your new address.  New York is a Super Tuesday state (like my home state of MO) so you will also be voting on Feb. 5.  The voter registration cutoff date for us is Jan. 9, which means that your completed form must be in the posession of the Board of Elections ASAP.  "Boards of Election" are set up either by city or county, so a quick Google search of the term and your area will let you know where to send your information.  I have attached the link to the "Rock the Vote" website, they have a printable form that you can fill out.  But, if your registration date is like ours, the only real way to be sure that you are registered is to find your elections board office, go there and register in person.  I really hope this helps, and that you can get in on may seem to be a lost cause, but it is still SO important that people go register their opinions.

    Best of luck to you!

  4. go to the voter registration in new York and have it changed. You should have been able to change it at the dmv when you changed your car tag and drivers lic. which legally has to be change within 3 months of moving.

  5. lots of choices, one is to contact your local party

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