
How do i go about getting my seaman's licence?as i heard thats what you need to become a deckhand?

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How do i go about getting my seaman's licence?as i heard thats what you need to become a deckhand?




  1. you can use your deckhand to get your seaman license

    i know someone who did that  

  2. Try this place, or others like it.  Good luck!

  3. You first have to get an MMD (Merchant Mariners License) or Z-Card, from the Coast Guard. You can apply for one at your nearest Coast Guard REC, check the Coast Guard website for the nearest one near you.You would be able to start out as an OS (Ordinary Seaman) after a few trips you can acquire enough time to get your AB (Able Seamen) which raises your pay a bit. This is how you do it through the hawsepipe as we call it. After that you can either go Wheelhouse, Engineer, Tankerman, whichever interests you most. You can also go to different Maritime Academy's for a year or to and come out of there with whatever you want, from the wheelhouse on down. Hope this helps

  4. You will have to go the the US Coast Guard and visit a Regional Exam Center (REC). The application includes having to take a physical exam, eye exam (they check for color blindness) and a DOT drug test. That will cost you about $100 or so. The Merchant Mariners Document also known as a Z-card will cost another $140. You will have to wait between 3-12 weeks. They will check your criminal history and driving record. If everything comes back OK, you will get your MMD. With that you can start looking for work. Except on deep-sea cargo ships you will also need STCW-95 Basic Safety Training (BST) and a valid passport.

    BST class is 5 days and costs between $600-$1000 dollars depending on the school you go to. Another $100 for you passport and a few more months of waiting. You will also need a TWIC (Transportation Worker ID Card) card soon, starting in April, 2009. That is from the TSA. More time and money.

    So far, approx. $1000-$1400 out of pocket expenses and you still don't have a job. If you go to the largest of the unlicensed seaman's unions, the SIU (Seafarer's International Union) you will have to take another physical and drug test, about $250 and then go and wait at a Union hiring hall everyday till you get a job, which could take several months if shipping is slow and you have entry level ratings and no union seniority (Don't worry, you will be entry level and you won't have seniority). If after all of this you get shipped out you will go to a ship for 30, 60, or 90 days.

    There you will do the lowest jobs there are like:

    Ordinary Seaman (deckhand): chipping rust, painting, cleaning toilets, assisting the AB's handle lines, and maybe you'll be allowed to hang out on the bridge when you aren't working.

    Wiper: In the engine room you will still chip and paint, but also wipe up and clean oil leaks, change out filters, help the engineers with any projects and sweep and mop all the time as well as clean the toilet.

    Steward Assistant: Entry level in the galley will sweep, mop, cut and dice veggies, wash linens, make beds and clean toilets.

    Pretty much the entry level jobs suck. You will have to do your time and pay your dues so to speak and then with more seatime you can sit for Coast Guard exams for AB or QMED (Able-Bodied seaman is the next step up in the deck department, Qualified Member of the Engine Department is the next step up in the engine room). You will need 360 8 hour days to be able to take the exam or take a class to be an AB. It's 180 days for QMED. You will also need to take another STCW course.

    The pay can be good. You don't need a lot of formal education to get started. A high school diploma is enough.

    If you are still interested in a life at sea (it's not all bad) check out the links below.  

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