
How do i go about homeschooling.?

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Its not just about the whole being bullied thing(but yes i do get bullied), Its more that in primary school i was a good student and got some of the highest scores in my class. But since ive gone to high school three years ago everythings gone downhill. Not just my school work but im being sent to doctors constantly because i scream at my mum because i dont want to go to school(Amongs other things). Also she doest understand that i want to be homeschooled because she thinks it will be expensive.

Is it expensive?




  1. It can be extremely expensive

    Or it can be completely free

    It all depends on what materials you want to use, what resources are available, and how creative you are.

  2. youll have to buy books and whatnot, but actually, now adays a lot of it is online.  Its a reasonable price.  Contact a board of education. they can give u more info

  3. You do need to purchase materials.  There are programs that may be sanctioned by your state as accredited, so when you graduate you have a real diploma.  You need to find out from either the "head of public instruction' or whatever person/post knows these things in your state.  Try looking up the state government where you live or check with your state university to see if they have a home schooling program.

  4. It can be. It depends on what books you buy. There is this thing called an "umbrella school". It is a place that helps you get books and such. Make the right schooling choices and stuff. But anyway, it really does depend. Good luck!!!

  5. i talked to someone at school and a place here i can do homeschool is like 300 for the curriculum and like 250 for books and stuff

  6. Go too

    Its completely free, its only offered in certain states.

  7. i donno.

  8. You have to meet any legal requirements the the state/ county/country you live in sets. Are you from the UK? The mum makes me think you might be, and there are probably sites exclusive to UK homeschooling

    Some places may charge fees, but I wouldn't think expense would be a big part of the difficulties. If yu buy a curriculum that may cost several hundred dollars  It requires much effort on the part of the student and the parent.  The student must be pretty discipline and want to do the work.  The parent must set the curriculum and provide the student with the tools- books etc- they need and maybe provide access to a homeschooling group..  THe local library can help- a lot with that aspect of home schooling.

    If you are serious, talk to your local librarian and get some books on home schooling.  Sit down and talk- not yell-to your mum with book in hand and show her what you have in mind and what's involved.

    Good luck

  9. Homeschooling doesn't have to be expensive.  There are many ways to make it affordable and research shows that homeschooling is successful no matter how much or little you spend.  Here are some tips for making homeschooling affordable:

    To start homeschooling you need to find out your state's laws:

    Then choose a curriculum.  Many high school students like online or workbook programs.  Here's a list that may help you locate one:

    Other than that, I think it's important to find activities or interests to pursue.  For a high school student the opportunities are limitless if you are dedicated.

    Here's some information about homeschooling you can share with your mom:

    Good luck!

  10. It is not, but you'll face the consequences of not dealing with strangers on a daily basis...

    You'll lose social skills that will prove essential to you in college...

    I''m speaking from my personal experience... You don't know how frustrating is not having a meaninful topic to talk about with the girl you like because of lack of human interaction...

    Try to put up with the hardships and difficulties of high school (I've been there and I know it's no easy stuff)

    Best of luck, Take care =)

  11. Hello

      Homeschooling is a great choice to make. Homeschooling for my family is a little pricey (we have 6 children being homeschooled at the moment so that should explain it.) But no really it is not expensive. It you want a curriculum I HIGHLY suggest Mother of Divine Grace. It is very good. and if you don't like the religion course they have (it is Catholic) don't do the religion part. All my family has been homeschooled and let me tell you we are turning out very well. My oldest sister is a very good doctor, my oldest brother a chef, my second oldest brother is becoming a priest , my third oldest brother is an organ major (the instrument the organ) and my fourth oldest brother is a carpenter and is a Senior in high school! So we are all very smart and have great prospects! It any thing happens Just hope for the best!!I'll pray for you!

    In Jesu et Maria. Amen.

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