
How do i go about in returning something on ebay?

by  |  earlier

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i bought a harness and its too big

it says there is a 3 day return policy

i emailed to guy but he hasnt got back at me

can i return it now or do i have to wait for him to reply

and can i use the same box that it came in




  1. Keep copies of your email trying to return, I would not return it without authorization, that is why to keep your emails to show you sent them in time, keep on trying to contact him, if he takes longer than 7 days, contact ebay and let them know of the situation, yes you can use the same box, but cover up the old shipping labels/

  2. YES YOU CAN AND MOST PEOPLE ARE VERY NICE AND KIND  but dont send anything back unless you have good communication with the seller  i got the WRONG  item sent it back and never got a replacement or refund  be careful.and good luck

  3. I just did that!  I found the phone number of the seller and called them directly.  I pointed out what day I received the product and the day I email them so I could establish that I had tried to return the product within the allotted time.  They gave me the return information and I sent it back in the same box.  I had to pay for postage and handling (both ways), but I got the cost of the item refunded.  If this doesn't work, you can always report them or contact Paypal if that is how you paid.  The worst case scenario is you have to sell the item on EBay yourself.

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