
How do i go about renouncing my US Citizenship?

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Yes I dont want to be an American.

= )




  1. You can't ever renounce your citizenship. Maybe you better think about it.

        Then again, if you don't want to be an American, maybe we don't want you?

  2. You renounce when you become a full citizen of another country. Good bye

  3. Need help packing?

    Need more suitcases? I'll let you have mine!

    Bon Voyage!

  4. i would if :

    jeb bush run for president

    rudy guiliani runs for president

    or 12 million illegal aliens gets more rights and priviledges than the U.S. citizens.

  5. So, even if you do legally renounce your US Citizenship, you will then be an alien

  6. Dave S is the only one on track with this.  I would only add that the US diplomatic officer must be willing to accept the renunciation - they are not required to do so.

    Renouncing US citizenship is a very serious and, with few exceptions, irrevocable act.  If you have serious questions about it, consider contacting the Director, Office of Policy Review & Interagency Liaison, Bureau of Consular Affairs, U.S. Department of State, Washington, DC 20520.

  7. A person wishing to renounce his or her U.S. citizenship must voluntarily and with intent to relinquish U.S. citizenship:

    1. appear in person before a U.S. consular or diplomatic officer,

    2. in a foreign country (normally at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate); and

    3. sign an oath of renunciation

  8. Technically you can do it at anytime, anywhere, not that it will do you much good. You would wind up living at an airport until another country accepted you. If you were to become the citizen of another country, the US would not require you to renounce your citizenship so long as the respective government worker didnt feel you were persuing another citizenship. I have loads of friends with dual even tripple (including US of course) and they have no problem. In truth, the government really wouldn't know anyway.

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