
How do i go about signing over my unborn child to my sister?

by  |  earlier

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im 21 years old with three kids ages 3,2,& 7 months i cannot deal wit another child at the moment i am a single mother working a low payin job and going to school




  1. You need a lawyer to do the custody paperwork.  Otherwise, your sister wouldn't be the "legal guardian," making it impossible for her to do some of the legal stuff she'll need to do eventually like enrolling them in school and signing certain forms.

  2. Alright people, stop being mean!!! Things happen... condoms break, and birth control doesnt work sometimes.  Who are you people to judge her lifestyle.  Okay, you need to call a lawyer, or maybe just give her the right to raise your child until you are financially set to do so yourself...maybe just on a typed peice of paper that is noterized.  And then possibly have your tubes tyed.  Four children is alot of children! :)  Hey best of luck to you!

  3. you need a lawyer -- and quite frankly, some education on safe s*x.

    I know you didn't ask for that, but hey... at this rate, how many kids will you have by the time you're 30?

  4. Contact a lawyer to draw up the paperwork for you, and discuss things like option adoption, closed adoption, etc.

    Also, I am not accusing you of anything, or judging you in away, I'm just giving advice in a neutral position- you may want to have a discussion with your doctor on effective forms of birth control, such as Mirena, which stays implanted and is 99% effective for 5 years!

    Best of luck, and I hope all works out for you and your family-- no one is perfect!


  6. get a lawyer and get fixed.

  7. there's these things called condoms...

  8. Just get a lawyer and some concealing. What you are about to do is going to be emotional this why I say you may need concealing.  Try getting on birth control until you are stable enough to care for one more child.

  9. Fact:  Get a lawyer to help with custody or adoption papers.

    Opinion:  I can see that your're going through a tough time, but think about how this kid will feel when s/he wonders why you raised the other kids but not him/her.

    Some serious psychological problems later.

  10. Disgraceful is all i have to say !

  11. wow people should really stop being so rude, i am really glad to hear you are choosing to give your baby away rather than aborting it! Im not here to judge you b.c i don't even know the circumstances of your situation but i would think you should talk to a lawyer or maybe even an adoption agency and ask them how that would work im sure they would be glad to help you.

  12. Get a lawyer.

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