
How do i go about talking to some one that doesnt answer the phone when i call?

by  |  earlier

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How do i go about talking to some one that doesnt answer the phone when i call?




  1. first is that person not home, mad at you or just plain busy? if they are mad at you than they will not want to talk, if they only have caller id and no answering machine they will only see the number when they are near the phone but you should try e mailing them and see what happens.

  2. You could text them a friendly note! You could e-mail as above or the old fashioned 'snail mail'? You could also send a gift/flowers/candy depending on the situation...Easter is coming! As above, it depends on why they will not pick up the phone. One usually gets more feedback with a friendly approach that is short and sweet. More detail could have helped to answer your question perhaps more appropriately?

    Lastly, a third party may be able to let that person know you are trying to reach them and has positive things to share/say.

  3. Some times the person can be shy try doing the same thing try to make your self the one that is like a queen play hard like the person is he ll come after you

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