
How do i go about tracing my daughters indian roots on her father side(hes died in 1989)?

by  |  earlier

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her paternal grandparents are not alive either, but i know that her ggrandmother wasfullblood indian,and iwant her to be able to recieve some grant or help for college fund,where do i start?




  1. are you talking about american indian (native american) or the country of india ?

  2. Try

  3. Birth/Death certificates are helpful. If you can trace your daughter back to someone listed as native, you would use the relationship to fill in her paperwork to get her status. You can also search the band records if you know what band/nation the grandmother belonged to.

  4. If he is listed on her birth certificate as her father then it  will be fairly simple.  Did he have a card?  Does she?  If she does, then you are in.   If not you have some work to do.  You might start by getting his death certificate, if you can.   Grandparents birth and death certs will be helpful also, at some point.  You will have to have his birth certificate to establish his parentage.   If this has all been done you will be real lucky.    Do you know the Tribe or Nation?  There are just so many questions to get answers to before you can get a membership card and be qualified for BIA scholarships.

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