
How do i go back in time?

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would i need to go forward first? in order to get the technology

to go back?




  1. Congratulations!

    4 days before this question.

  2. Go lye in your bed, and think about yesterday.

    think about the time, before yahoo.

    imagine what is was like without a bathroom, in your house,

    look at some black and white movies.

    go and play hide seek with a child

    if your grown remember when you didn't have any bills.

  3. Theoretically the laws of Physics allow for forward Time Travel, unfortunately there is no practical way of applying

    this theory. However look on the bright-side we all travel forward with Time perhaps not as fast you would like but

    at least contemporary science as afforded us the ability to look back through time in our universe and all because Time moves on although it doesn't quite yet fly!

  4. Pilots do it all the time. Just fly westwards faster than the setting sun and you will arrive at your destination before you left. Given that the Earth has a circumference of about 40,000 miles and it take 24 hours to complete one rotation. You need to fly at a minimum speed of about 1666.67 mph to make relative time stand still. Travel faster if you want the day to go backwards. If it were not for that nasty international date line and refueling, you could enjoy an eternal day. However the time you gained is only relative time. Real time just keeps on ticking away.

  5. Hypnotherapy using regression  that'll take you back. If you want to go forwards then using a clock if you sit and stare at the hands what you'll find is that each time the second hand does a complete revolution you would have travelled a minute into the future. Its a much slower process than hypnotic regression and of course you would not be alone in your future quest as unfortunately this is also something that the rest of mankind does spontaneously. You could of course realise that time is in fact a man made form of measurement and it is therefore not actually existent apart from in our tiny linear minds where we must have this measurement in order to sequence things and run them in an order one after another as it is not a very conceivable approach to try and perceive things as all that has been and will be is actually all happening now and that there is no line. hmmmmmm ???????? ARRGHHH

  6. Wait till the timezone changes, i think the next time all the clocks change 1HR BACK GMT time, so technically you would have gone back in time!

  7. Just run your favorite movies backwards.

  8. The recognised theory for potentially doing this at the moment is to build a portal that distorts gravity to such an extent that space and therefor time loop into themselves. The amount of energy needed for this is prohibitive and the effects on the body are uncertain. The biggest drawback however (and a bit of a cop out I think) is that you can only travel between the doorways. So even if we built one today the only one we could travel to would be the one we just built.  Also I imagine that all the people from the future would be wanting to use it as well, so there would probably be a queue for it, which would be twice as long and very orderly if you were English.

    You can travel forward in time relatively easier by travelling fast anywhere even sub sonic flight will mean that times has passed slower for you than those who didn't take the flight.

    Sorry mate but no going back to tell youself last weeks lottery numbers.

  9. The proof that I'll never have the ability to go back in time is that Future-Me has never visited me.  Have you been visited by Future-You yet?

  10. Put on a pamper.

  11. and who says that there will be that kind of technology which still you would need to go to the future.

  12. You could do one of three things.

    1. Remember the time you wanted to go to and pretend like you were there (if it happened in your lifetime).

    2. Travel backwards over the International Time Line faster than the speed of time. You would have to travel once around the world for every day you wanted to go back, though, so if you want to go back more than 2 or 3 days, or if planes make you sick, this really isn't a good idea.

    3. Invent a time machine .... or wait for someone else to invent it, and then steal it.

  13. There was a young lady named Bright,

    Who could travel much faster than light.

    She set off one day

    In a relative way

    And returned on the previous night.

  14. Sorry to disappoint You there can be no time travel because there is no time!  Time is a concept we use to measure to motion of things.  In theory You would have to change everything in the universe to the way it was, to where you want to go.  I do hope You have a really big VCR. However You might run into a God person who may bust You for copying the universe....

  15. Borrow a time machine

  16. Close your eyes. lie down on your bed think really hard about hte time that you want to be in an then dream my friend dream. that is the only way.

    Of course I guess you could become a God. He can do it.

  17. Wear a poodle skirt

  18. The technology will exist someday, so it's very likely time travelers from then are here. You just need to keep your eyes open, find one and do some sort of time travel "carjacking" or someting like that...

  19. That cannot be done. But somehow  history of mankind is kept through images in different minds. Points of infinitesimal matter that let you travel through time, back in time. Our minds enter this points and we can see the past as if we were inside that civilization we want to visit.

  20. u cant u stupid a**

  21. By dreaming. Nothing else. It is pure fiction. how dead people can come alive if you go back wards.

  22. Read a history book. That's the only way.

  23. Buy a DeLorean, find a mad crazy scientist, buy some nuclear stuff from some Libyans, build and fit a flux capacitor and finally..........get Huey Lewis and the News to provide the soundtrack!!!

  24. Well, if you could get far enough away from the earth, and had an extremely powerful (beyond modern technology) telescope, you could watch your past through the viewing lens, as there is a time-lapse between what is actually happening far out in space and what our eye is perceiving.

  25. watch back to the future or donnie darko, it explains it all in there.

  26. a=mc2

  27. No, wear some flares and grow your hair and listen to early Sabbath.  Yeah!

  28. no

    you just need to give me all your credit-card information, and I'll send you a time-teleporter, and for 99.95 you'll also get this wonderful teddy bear and a set of kitchen knives

    If you're not pleased with the product, you can send it back and we'll get your money back .... guarantee

  29. You need a DeLorean. Since I have one, I can travel through time using the "flux capacitor". And by the way, I really do have a DeLorean!

  30. If you find out, please let me know...

  31. if you really want to know study Nikola Tesla and

    the Philadelphia Experiment

    we have already penetrated time/ space read up and you may be able to send yourself a time machine yesterday

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