
How do i grow a goldfish very large

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I have a goldfish tank (29 gal) I have several small fancy goldfish but I want to grow them very large, any feeding suggestions?




  1. You have to make sure that the temp is right 4 that fish and you have to make sure u are feeding it properly but not to much. you also have to make sure that the tank is always clean and treated.  

  2. i've heard if you put coldwater fish into a tropical tank they grow very large. So maybe invest in a heater. Live food or frozen (ie bloodworm) is good for healthy fish too.

  3. how many is several?

    you need 10 gallons per fancy goldfish but if you want to get them vert big it's best to be understocked maybe 20 gallons per fancy goldfish?

    feed them whenever they're hungry (remove un-eaten food though)

    feed veggies and a varied diet.


  4. many water changes and a variety of food will make your goldfish get BIG.

  5. feed them alot mayb

  6. Well for starters your going to have to give EACH goldfish AT LEAST 10 gallons to itself.

    And you have several? In a 29 gallon? You need a bigger tank. You can have two fancy goldfish in a 29 gallon.

    They will never grow big all squished up in too small of a tank.

    Feeding? Varied diet using all types of goldfish food, floating, sinking, flakes.. bloodworms.. shrimp

    But most importantly. Get a bigger aquarium.

  7. for fast growth you need bigger tank than that then sunlight then feed 3 times daily then good filter, and do partial water change daily of 10 percent.

    kOi keeper & goldfish keeper

  8. No, you'll over feed and kill it. Let nature take it's course. Fish can become obese as well as humans. Fish only grow to a certain size. You try to stuff it, you will kill it.  

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