
How do i grow a healthy tree?

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what is some good advice for growing trees?

like how much does tree food cost, how often do i prune a tree etc?

also, what's a good food for climbing plants, and how much do they cost?




  1. Well, there are lots of different types of trees, and advice differs depending on the tree, where you live, soil conditions, etc.  But some general tips are:

    -Select a healthy tree

    -Make sure you have good drainage; amend the soil if necessary

    -Locate the tree in an area where it will get the appropriate amount of sun/shade/wind protection (depends on tree)

    -Irrigate/water the tree properly.  Overwatering can be as detrimental as underwatering

    -Fertilize/prune as necessary

    There are lots of tips in Sunset books, you can purchase them at home improvement stores or bookstores.  I learned almost everything I know about gardening from reading them (the rest was from trial and error).  I really recommend looking up the types of trees you like in Sunset's gardening books; you'll learn how to care for them and you'll probably get hooked on gardening!

    BTW-- I've found MiracleGrow to be a good all-purpose plant food, especially for flowers.  Good luck.

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