
How do i handle my dwarf Hamster?

by  |  earlier

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hello there!

is there anyone who can teach me how to handle my new dwarf


Everytime I put my hand in his house he would bit me!




  1. if u just got your dwarf hamster give it time to settle. :)

  2. hahaha

  3. Your describing normal behavior.You must get used to it.One hamster was always nice and never bit-but she wasn't too healthy and died after a few months.the next one lived his normal life span and ALWAYS bit me when I handled him.I quickly learned to stop annoying  him and left him alone.

  4. Lol, well... my dwarf hamster ate its brother, so y'know.

    Just keep on carefully handling it and soon it will hopefully get used to you.

  5. rodents should always be carried my their tails

  6. Let him settle in a bit and wait for him to come to your hand.

    You could also try only handling him once he's outside his cage as they can get terratorial.

    And also if he doesn't stop trying to bite try wearing cotton gloves, he won't be able to bite through them very easily but you can still get him used to handling.

  7. really softly hamsters arent very strong compared to you plus dont handle them to much but enough s they dont bite u anytime.

  8. you put one hand out then put the other and keep on doing that so he or she will get more used to the handling you use for he or she the dwarf hamster

  9. My friend had a hamster and she wore gloves while doing that.  :D  She had 4 her cat killed all of them.

  10. Dwarf hamsters are naturally more hostile Syrian hamsters and take more time to tame. But give it some time to get used to you and put something in its cage with your smell on it like a sock or something. After a few days it should have gotten to know your smell and you.

  11. he might just be scared of new enviroment, give him some time and let him settle in.

    =] I love dwarf hamsters!

  12. Put you hand in a cup to scoopit up and wear garden gloves if ur scared.


  13. feed it to the cat

  14. use gloves to pick him out of his cage, take him to the bathtub take the gloves off and try to pick him up and let him crawl all over u if he wants and show him that ur not gunnu hurt him

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