
How do i handle my overly-rich spoiled cousin..?

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i mean she has everything...n still says she doesn't have enough...but the problem is shez really close 2 me...but i just hate her bratty-spoiled ways...shez really different frm every1 in da family...shez just real spoiled...i try 2 tell her but she is mean to every1 but me, criticizes every1 but not me...datz y i have a heard tym telling her..

how can i tell her......dat partying n shopping n relying on family's money isn't gonna help her..n shez real dense

plz help..or shud i take her to a psychiatrist?




  1. Don't fear to tell her what you think just because she is being nice and not mean to you. One day she may be mean to you and then telling her what you think may be harder still. Try to help her whilst you are on good terms. Some people though need to be left alone if they do not want to listen to what others have to say. Stand up to her meanness to others and tell her you will not be friends with her unless she treats everyone with respect. Disrespecting the people who matter to you and love you is disrespecting you as well.  

  2. How old are you both?  If you are still kids, maybe you could get a job together part-time, and she can learn the value of money earned and how working/being useful increases your self-worth.  It is up to her parents really.  She is going to have a hard time in life unless she learns a few things. Also, maybe you could volunteer to help a community group together and she might learn more about the value of people and become less narrow-minded.  Good luck.

  3. No. dont take her to a psychiatrist. She needs to stop acting like this, she is 19. When she complains she wants something, say to her something like 'i have something that you will like even better ' or ' one of those? Oh my friend had one of those and she like took it back within the first five minutes!' If she wants to go shopping ask her tactfully how much money she has and does she borrow any. Persuade her 2 get a job if she hasn't got one. Dont critisize anyone if she begins to, it'll be hard but change the suject.

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